Bison: Majestic Beast

Bison: Majestic Beast

Cut On:  Laser

Material:  16-ga. Steel

Our Cool Cut is a majestic beast: the American bison. Did you know the bison is now the official mammal of the United States? Thanks to the National Bison Legacy Act enacted by Obama in 2016, this magnificent creature now has earned a well-deserved spot in the limelight. The American bison once roamed our grasslands in massive herds and was on the verge of becoming extinct due to commercial hunting but has since made a resurgence due to the efforts of national parks and reserves. Although the bald eagle is still our nation’s emblem, the bison joins the eagle as a proud symbol of our country’s rich history and culture.

This bison was designed by Kerf & Burled for a project they’re currently working on.




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